In this 2023 kickoff issue of EB, we place a laser focus on providing key information and strategies to help dial in a success-fueled, rewarding, and effective new year. Our 10 Mega Market Trends feature starting on page 38 utilizes EB’s exclusive reader survey data to unveil 10 key directions that will define 2023 in the eyecare space. Starting on page 46, we unveil a new article series for the new year for everyone from new hires to veterans who want a refresh—Focus on Fundamentals, where EB contributor Sheena Taff will cover the basics of everything from sun lenses (in this issue) to frame materials, frame shapes, and progressives. And, of course, our sunwear fashion feature kicking off on page 30 is meant to inspire. There is much, much more in the pages that follow—we hope you can find some fantastic takeaways for your business.
In the meantime, as I write this, I am en route home from The Vision Council’s Executive Summit in Austin, TX, where I was honored to film a livestream with Johnny Taylor Jr., the CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), with over 300,000 members in 165 countries, and author of the book, “Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.” Taylor, who has chronicled the world’s human resources crisis over the past few years, served up some truly inspiring points. Here, a few to serve as food for thought:

Change is the New Normal.
“We have realized that the new normal is going to be full of change, forever. We used to say, let’s do a five-year strategic plan. Then we went to three-year because the world was changing so much. But, now we are doing one-year plans because we are experiencing game-shifting changes in very short periods of time.
Embrace Empathetic Leadership.
“There should be culture and empathy training in the workplace today. Those used to be soft words but they are necessary today.”
For more from Taylor, view the full livestream here.
We hope you enjoy this inspired issue of EB!
Curious what’s in store in this issue of EB? Join editor Erinn Morgan by clicking play in EB’s digital edition for quick highlights + insider info.

Erinn Morgan,
Editor-in-Chief + Editorial Director
Director of Social Media, PentaVision